Friday, July 13, 2012

Rain and other summer topics

It finally rained today. Not much, and not for long, but we actually saw rain. It was nice, and we even heard thunder. Folks take for granted the sounds of a storm, but it was nice to hear them again. it's been too long. I seem to be wasting time today. I got a few things done, but am feeling mighty dependent upon everyone to respond to me before I feel I could continue. never mind, there are many OTHER things I could be doing, but I seem to feel the need to finish one thing up before tackling another. Finally saw some tiny green tomatoes on my plant yesterday. It was cause for much jubilation on my part and much confusion and slight fear on the part of the guy re-caulking our windows. (he did not appear to get it). Sadly, I fear this post is also an exercise in futility, as I am not sure that anyone but me will see it. However, just in case you do, I am going to encourage you to head over to the facebook page of author Kemberlee Shortland and give her a like before July 16. She is giving away the entire Irish Pride series (including the newest one, due out in November 2012) if she reaches 200 likes. Give it a try! (You can also purchase her books on Hubby wanted to know what to take out of the fridge for dinner. Guess what? I'm having cereal. :( Oh well. He's cooking, and that's what counts. Right?