Friday, July 13, 2012

Rain and other summer topics

It finally rained today. Not much, and not for long, but we actually saw rain. It was nice, and we even heard thunder. Folks take for granted the sounds of a storm, but it was nice to hear them again. it's been too long. I seem to be wasting time today. I got a few things done, but am feeling mighty dependent upon everyone to respond to me before I feel I could continue. never mind, there are many OTHER things I could be doing, but I seem to feel the need to finish one thing up before tackling another. Finally saw some tiny green tomatoes on my plant yesterday. It was cause for much jubilation on my part and much confusion and slight fear on the part of the guy re-caulking our windows. (he did not appear to get it). Sadly, I fear this post is also an exercise in futility, as I am not sure that anyone but me will see it. However, just in case you do, I am going to encourage you to head over to the facebook page of author Kemberlee Shortland and give her a like before July 16. She is giving away the entire Irish Pride series (including the newest one, due out in November 2012) if she reaches 200 likes. Give it a try! (You can also purchase her books on Hubby wanted to know what to take out of the fridge for dinner. Guess what? I'm having cereal. :( Oh well. He's cooking, and that's what counts. Right?

Monday, June 6, 2011

My "off" Monday

Hubby is still at home under medical leave. Good news is, his recovery is better than by the book, so should be able to go back the beginning of July. Bad news, His diability check covers the rent and insurance. And that leaves my 20 hours a week to cover EVERYTHING else. *sigh* The Lord will provide. If I didn't believe it, we wouldn't be here.
Planted my tomatos this morning while son was at daycare and hubby was still asleep. Also planted the parsley seeds and the cucumber plant. Not sure where I am goign to plant everything else I have, but where there is dirt, I shall plant!!!
Thinking about linking with another blog and participating in her photo challenge.
Went to my cousin's college graduation party yesterday. Finished my son's new shorts (made from the Kermit the Frog fabric) in time for him to wear them yesterday, but the shirt is still not finished.
turned on the A/C. it was 80 in the living room. It felt so much cooler than the bedroom (where I was), so can't immagine the temp in here. don't need to. Just found the answer. After an hour of the a/c being on, it's down to 80 in here.
blech. We're having hot dogs for supper. I'm not cooking!
Need to check the calendar and see if I have any music clients tomorrow, or If I can just kick butt at the senior center so that I can get an extra day off . . . .

Thursday, August 5, 2010


oh my - guess it's been awhile since I wrote. but that's o.k., right? Getting bills paid off, so there is no money to do anything fun, despite the fact this is when everything is in full swing. :( (why oh why do they try and get EXTRA money from us when I am only working one job?!)
anyway - enough crabbing - I just found out that one of my friends is having a birthday party for her mom on Sunday. I did know that she was having it - just didn't know when! Mom is going to be 100. I guess that's significant enough to warrant a big old party! :)
We've had several non-giant-bash-worthy birthdays, too (39, 53, 28, 1) Well, the one year olds we did celebrate.
Festivals, fairs - It's summer time and we haven't been rummaging!
We are far too busy. When is it going to slow down? We need a vacation. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Macaroni Pizza

My son is a drawing machine. He is now getting to the point where I can ask him what his drawing is of and he will tell me. Last night he and his dad created the starship Enterprise (dad drew the stars around the ship). But my favorite picture of all time is two black "circles" with some miscellaneous black marks. When I asked him what it was, he told me "Macaroni Pizza". So that is what I wrote on the page along with his name and date. Last night, after the enterprise drawing, he went through his notebook and tore out multiple pages and handed them to me. When asked what they were, he consistently told me "macaroni". We don't eat macaroni that often. Nor does he eat a lot of it at daycare.
Where did he pick this up? Motherhood just keeps getting more interesting . . . .

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I have just read at least 20 blogs where creative people are telling me how they took something and repurposed it with very little direction and a whole lot of creativity and Voila - a beautiful new something. Me - I have tried very hard for a very long time to follow directions and use patterns appropriately. I am not an uncreative person, I just want things to fit the wearer, and well, while I experiment constantly while cooking (with good success), I suck at experimentation when sewing. My anal retentive side must be showing!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wasted Time

Sitting at the computer, it occurs to me that I could get so much more done if I did not have to be at work. Some days, it is such a waste of time. I could be sewing, or cleaning, or cooking, or doing household tasks. Or, *gasp* do something fun, like play with the boy, or read, or just sit around.
anyway, Thought I'd share.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random food thoughts

I'm typing without a title today. I may add one later, but frankly, not sure what is going to come out of my mouth (well, fingertips). I'm peckish currently, but have no "snacks" to take care of me. May make some popcorn.
DID make a roast chicken for dinner. Threw some peeled, quartered russett potatoes under the bird. THey browned up very nicely, then I mashed them. Still, not really what I wanted. I think I wanted the creaminess of boiled white potatoes, nothing but starch and waste carbs. :) mmmm.
But the bird was well done. The joints just about fell apart. I was even able to actually carve the breasts for my husband (something I am never able to do ).
Really, Golden Corral? Your seafood is that great? something tells me that it is more on the lines of mediocre. But I'm fairly certain I won't get a chance to check that out anytime soon.
O.k. so, apparently this is a post on random food topics.
My friend Denise threw away mini snickers bars just because she was not supposed to eat sweets. (well, she is watching her weight for an upcoming reunion). That just hurts. Can't do that. (dieting for a reunion OR throwing away perfectly good snickers bars).
Anyway. On to stare futilely at the fridge.
I wish something would occur to me. . . .