Monday, June 6, 2011

My "off" Monday

Hubby is still at home under medical leave. Good news is, his recovery is better than by the book, so should be able to go back the beginning of July. Bad news, His diability check covers the rent and insurance. And that leaves my 20 hours a week to cover EVERYTHING else. *sigh* The Lord will provide. If I didn't believe it, we wouldn't be here.
Planted my tomatos this morning while son was at daycare and hubby was still asleep. Also planted the parsley seeds and the cucumber plant. Not sure where I am goign to plant everything else I have, but where there is dirt, I shall plant!!!
Thinking about linking with another blog and participating in her photo challenge.
Went to my cousin's college graduation party yesterday. Finished my son's new shorts (made from the Kermit the Frog fabric) in time for him to wear them yesterday, but the shirt is still not finished.
turned on the A/C. it was 80 in the living room. It felt so much cooler than the bedroom (where I was), so can't immagine the temp in here. don't need to. Just found the answer. After an hour of the a/c being on, it's down to 80 in here.
blech. We're having hot dogs for supper. I'm not cooking!
Need to check the calendar and see if I have any music clients tomorrow, or If I can just kick butt at the senior center so that I can get an extra day off . . . .

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