Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random food thoughts

I'm typing without a title today. I may add one later, but frankly, not sure what is going to come out of my mouth (well, fingertips). I'm peckish currently, but have no "snacks" to take care of me. May make some popcorn.
DID make a roast chicken for dinner. Threw some peeled, quartered russett potatoes under the bird. THey browned up very nicely, then I mashed them. Still, not really what I wanted. I think I wanted the creaminess of boiled white potatoes, nothing but starch and waste carbs. :) mmmm.
But the bird was well done. The joints just about fell apart. I was even able to actually carve the breasts for my husband (something I am never able to do ).
Really, Golden Corral? Your seafood is that great? something tells me that it is more on the lines of mediocre. But I'm fairly certain I won't get a chance to check that out anytime soon.
O.k. so, apparently this is a post on random food topics.
My friend Denise threw away mini snickers bars just because she was not supposed to eat sweets. (well, she is watching her weight for an upcoming reunion). That just hurts. Can't do that. (dieting for a reunion OR throwing away perfectly good snickers bars).
Anyway. On to stare futilely at the fridge.
I wish something would occur to me. . . .

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