Thursday, March 4, 2010


I have been thinking about having a blog, but really, does the world need one more person rambling on about the fantastic food they had last night, or what their adorable child accomplished this week?
No, probably not.
But then, all of these random thoughts started filling my head, and I had no one to share them with. So, thanks. You get to be the willing recipients of the random flotsam and jetsam (jetsom?) that fills my days.
And today, the randomness picks my friend Wendy.
According to her latest facebook post, Wendy is feeling the woe that is being a single woman. Many, many of us can sympathize, having been there, done that.
Several of the remarks to her post are disbelieving that she would have difficulty finding "a boyfriend".
I have no difficulty believing this.
You see, Wendy is a very attractive woman.
She currently works in a field that is populated with "attractive" women.
If that were it, she'd be set.
But Wendy is also smart. Not only that, but she is intelligent.
That is what is making finding "a boyfriend" difficult for her (imho).
She has that unenviable task of finding a quality guy who appreciates the outer beauty, relishes the inner beauty, accepts her intelligence, and allows her to be her while treating her as a special person.
I'm not going to get on a soap box (although I could, no one can stop me!!)
(Insert evil laugh here)
but, it just occurred to me.

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